Blood Donations


Blood Donation Process

Whole or part blood donations can save lives. Whole blood donations are composed of red blood cells, plasma and platelets. This is the most common type of blood donation. A pint is normally the designated unit of blood donated by a donor. Part blood donations are specifically plasma and platelets. These part donations are separated from the red blood cells. Whole blood donations can take 8-10 minutes while red cells or plasma can take up to 120 minutes. First a person must register. This step can be done at a clinic, center, or any place that draw blood for donation. A person must have a drivers licenses, a donor card, or two other forms of identification. Passports, school identification, or social security cards. A mini physical must be taken to make sure the donors temperatures, hemoglobin, blood pressure and pulse are satisfactory. After the preliminary steps are taken, the drawing of blood begins. The area of the arm is sterilized with an alcohol wipe and a needle is inserted. A small sting occurs, the collection starts, and by the end a pint of blood is collected.  During the blood drawing process the donor can be nauseous, have a headache, and even faint. After a person has donated a pint, they are given refreshments and told to wait 15-20 minutes before they can drive off. Donating blood is a quick and easy process that can help others to continue a long life. give-blood-15